We make it easy to spread glede

A gift builds stronger bonds between people and can make a huge positive difference, whether in a private or professional setting. But we have less time and capacity than ever before. That's why we created Glede. We want to make it incredibly easy to give something nice.

Our philosophy

When we develop Glede , we always follow three basic principles.

Firstly, it should be easy to give something nice. We live in a busy world, and we want to give people the opportunity to give and express love without it becoming a stressful part of everyday life.

Secondly, it should be easy to receive gift cards. A useful gift is a gift that is used. With Glede , the recipient will get something they are guaranteed to want.

Finally, it should be easy to build stronger bonds through a gift. We want to give you the opportunity to give a gift that will be remembered and that the recipient is guaranteed to appreciate.

The founders' story

We met during our studies at NTNU and have backgrounds in computer technology, marine technology and entrepreneurship. The common denominator was that we all wanted to start a technology company with a positive impact in the world.

During and after our studies, we received gift cards from companies and noticed that the gift card industry has not kept up with the technological development in recent years. It was simply incredibly awkward to use the gift cards we received. Surely others must have felt this too, we thought?

And yes, it was true. We spoke to dozens of gift card recipients, and the consensus was unanimous. Gift cards were not easy to use, and they were often forgotten. When we spoke to corporate gift card donors, we got the same feeling. Ordering with Excel lists, mailings by post and no insight into whether the gift cards they gave were actually used.

So we decided to create a gift card service that puts technology and user experience at the center. And that helps spread a little more glede in the world!

Want to join the journey?

Are you interested in helping to further develop Glede? We are always interested in hearing from talented and committed people. Send us a short application and your CV to markus@glede.app :)