August 31, 2023
minutes reading time

View Ledger delighted 300 employees with a pleasant surprise in just a few minutes

Tonje Magnusson
HR Director at View Ledger
There's a lot going on in everyday work life, so it was really nice to be able to give so easily. Glede requires minimal administration.

View Ledger, with over 300 employees across 9 locations in Norway, helps its customers take control of their finances and achieve a smoother working day.

One of their core values is Care. They care about each other, their customers, the company and society as a whole. To live up to this value, they regularly make sure to recognize their employees.

Tonje Magnussen, HR Director at the company, tells us a little about their previous experiences.

"In the past, we have used several gift solutions that have entailed a lot of administration and high shipping costs. In addition, it has been a challenge to get the goods delivered to all employees. With offices in nine different locations in Norway, this naturally requires a lot of logistical work."

Zero hassle with logistics and shipping

Earlier this year, the management of View Ledger Norway wanted to send a nice gift greeting to all employees to show their appreciation for their efforts. With a busy workday, they wanted to minimize the logistics of sending gifts and were looking for a solution that works well regardless of geography. That's when Glede emerged as the best option.

Tonje uploaded an Excel file with 300 employees and was ready to send the gifts in no time.

Tonje highlights four things she particularly likes about Glede:

Too good to be true

Since then, Tonje has received a lot of positive feedback on the gifts she sent out, both from managers and employees.

"One of our employees actually said it was too good to be true!" she says with a smile.

In the past, she has found that employees appreciate the opportunity to make their own choices. "We have experimented with several different Christmas gifts. The times we've been most successful are when we've let employees choose for themselves. People are different and have different preferences."

Tonje concludes that it has been a pleasure to use Glede.

I would definitely recommend other companies to use Glede. It requires little administration and you can easily recognize employees with something they actually want.

Want to try Glede? Click here to see how easy it is!

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