29. Jan 2024
minutes reading time

Goodtech gave over 300 employees a Glede for Christmas

Kristine Goa Kloven
HR Manager in Goodtech
Gunn Sørmo
Administrative Coordinator in Goodtech

Goodtech is a leading Nordic technology company that delivers industrial efficiency. With 340 employees in Norway and Sweden, they develop smarter and more sustainable industrial solutions to strengthen their customers' competitiveness.

Gunn Sørmo (Administration Coordinator) and Kristine Goa Kloven (HR Manager) are responsible for Christmas gifts in the Group, and in 2023 they were to send Goodtech employees into the holidays with a generous Christmas gift. 

Gunn Sørmo tells us a little about how they have solved it in previous years:

"Employees have been given a choice of different physical gifts. It's been relatively easy and straightforward to manage," she says.

But it hasn't been without its challenges.

"We've found that more people don't take the things they receive, and it's a shame when the gifts aren't used. In addition, people often have enough stuff already." 

We have far too many things, and it has been difficult to decide on the composition of gifts.

A gift for everyone

When Kristine heard about Glede , she thought it was the perfect service for managing this year's Christmas gifts. 

I particularly liked the fact that the gift card can be used absolutely everywhere.

Afterwards, they have reflected on how it went:

Exclusively positive response

They find that employees appreciate the fact that they can use the gift card wherever they want. 

"We have employees in many different age groups, regions and with different interests. Glede makes it possible to provide something that suits everyone," says Gunn.

In addition, employees like the fact that it's available on their mobile phones. 

"It's incredibly convenient and modern to use it like a bank card via the wallet on your phone," says Kristine.

I've only heard positive things about this gift!

They conclude with a warm recommendation to use Glede for other companies. 

"It's a simple concept, suitable for the entire diversity of the company. We think a lot of companies would benefit from using Glede."

Get started with Glede

Give the gift card that can be used everywhere - in-store and online!

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