24. April 2023
minutes reading time

Marit at ECIT gives gifts to employees all over Norway with Glede - without logistical challenges

Marit Bjerkreim
Country Manager Payroll Products in ECIT
It's great that the gift card is digital and can be used anywhere. It means I don't have to deal with all the logistical challenges and shipping costs.

ECIT is a company with over 2,500 employees that offers products, services and a high level of expertise in finance, IT and business solutions. By combining finance and IT, they make it easier for their customers to run their businesses in a future-oriented way.

Marit Bjerkreim is the general manager of two of ECIT's subsidiaries. To show that her employees' efforts are appreciated, she gives gifts in connection with holidays and birthdays, among other things.

"Giving gifts to employees is a great way to celebrate different occasions. Whether it's Christmas, Easter or other events. It helps to maintain the good morale and atmosphere we have in the team!" says Marit.

But giving gifts to employees hasn't always been easy for Marit.

"The team is made up of people from different cultures and of all ages, so it's hard to find something everyone appreciates. For example, in the past we've given candy, but not everyone likes licorice."

The geographical spread of team members has also presented challenges. 

"As a result, gift giving has become a logistics project that costs more than it tastes. On top of that, there are the shipping costs," she says.

A gift worth 500 kroner can easily end up costing a few hundred extra.

A geographically independent gift card

Marit was familiar with Glede from the time when Glede was a gift service for private individuals. When Glede opened for businesses in December, Marit was clear about what she was looking for.

"I wanted an easy, quick solution that required minimal logistics to send out gifts. That's when Glede emerged as the perfect solution."

She summarizes the three main benefits she gets from using Glede: 

The gift card that employees love

After both the Christmas and Easter broadcasts, the positive feedback has been overwhelming. 

"The employees love the concept of being able to buy exactly what they need," says Marit.

For Christmas, the gift card was spent on everything from a new dog harness to a romantic dinner for two.

Marit has no doubt that she will benefit from Glede in the future. "Glede is our new go-to solution for gifts for Christmas, Easter, summer, anniversaries, birthdays and other things we want to celebrate," she says happily.

She is also clear that many other companies will benefit from Glede. "Companies that want to save themselves the time and stress associated with gift giving will benefit greatly from using Glede. I believe the solution is perfect for both small and large businesses, especially those operating with distributed teams," she concludes.

Want to try Glede? Click here to give in 2 minutes.

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Give the gift card that can be used everywhere - in-store and online!

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