5. December 2023
minutes reading time

BustByte hit the mark with Christmas gifts by using Glede

Eirik Fosse
Founder and developer at BustByte

BustByte is an IT consulting company based in Oslo, Norway. With 11 employees, they help their customers develop high-quality, customized IT solutions. 

Eirik Fosse is the founder of the company and is responsible for giving gifts to employees. They have a close-knit and supportive environment, and Eirik considers Christmas gifts to be an extra important gesture to show that they appreciate the work that has been done during the year. He also thinks it's nice to be able to give gifts that the employees don't have to pay tax on

Eirik tells us a little about what they look for when giving gifts to employees: 

We want the gift to reach everyone. The employees should be able to use it. It's also important that it's easy for us to buy.

In the past, BustByte has alternated between giving physical gift cards linked to specific outlets and other physical gifts at Christmas. But Eirik has experienced challenges with both solutions. 

"The main problem with other gift cards is that they often have to be used at a specific location. This often resulted in employees forgetting to use the gift card."

When we've given physical gifts, it's been difficult to find a gift that suits everyone. People have different preferences.

Glede made Christmas gift giving easy

When a BustByte employee told Eirik about Glede , he was immediately interested. 

I checked out the product and it looked like a great solution, allowing employees to buy what they want!

Since then, he has reflected on what he liked best about Glede: 

Afterwards, Eirik has consulted with the recipients about how the experience was. 

"The feedback I've received has been exclusively positive. We all have different interests and things we need. With Glede , each employee can buy something they actually have glede of."

Most people used their gift card on a physical gift, but I know one of our employees used it on 5-10 meals from Fodoora.

Eirik has no doubt that he would recommend other companies to give Christmas gifts with Glede.

"It's very easy to both give and use. In addition, everyone gets something they want. Without revealing what this year's Christmas gift will be, I can say with certainty that Glede was a great success for us last year!", he concludes.

Give this year's Christmas gift with Glede? Click here!

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